We Bring End-To-End Visibility To The Patient's
Operating Room Process From Pre-Op To Post-Op.
Operation Theatre Utilization With RTLS That Saves Revenue, Keeps Patients Happy
The end-to-end patient journey in operating room process is on record without any human input. See where the bottlenecks are and what exactly causes the delays. Focus on decreasing patient waiting times and increase OR utilizations.
For Enhancing The Patient Experience, Fix Employee’s Flow
Operating Rooms Efficiency If Fixed By Locating And Communicating The Message To The Right People At The Right Time
We help in optimizing the facility’s Organizing, controlling and coordinating. All the processes involved in the Surgical Block is a complete task. However, thanks to Ovitag, IoT systems, and process orchestration, it is possible to carry out the work with far fewer interruptions, more coordinated communication that avoids unnecessary calls, better management of resources, and minimization of cancellations and delays.
Tracking And Communication
Our solution is enormously helpful, as real-time location data focusses on helping hospitals in the moment.
To eliminate these delays, Wi-Fi-enabled sensor in a bracelet or a badge worn by patients, providers and equipment. The sensors ping receivers installed around the hospital as people and devices move, and those signals are sent to a software platform that offers visual tracking of sensors around the facility.
It’s also not helpful to just know where a patient or a provider is if you don’t have an effective way to communicate with the rest of the care team about the patient’s progress through the operating care episode.

Improve OR Turnaround Times
Hospitals also face slow OR turnaround times because teams are scattered while environmental services, who clean the rooms, may not be promptly notified. These delays compound throughout the day as providers lose sight of patients who may be moved to a different area of the hospital for additional blood tests or imaging studies. Trying to communicate with care teams is also inefficient. Although several physicians use mobile health in their practices, looping in the entire OR team is more difficult because there are various members, roles and communications equipment as well as HIPAA concerns with mobile devices.
Basic structural resources, control of nursing processes and circuits within the Operating Theatre is . Awareness of the processes to be carried out during a normal working day and coordination among all the teams is involved. Each team must also be attentive to the different needs and changes that occur during the process, in addition to keeping relatives regularly informed of the patient’s condition. This means that communication and coordination are vital, a combination that is difficult to achieve when it is done verbally and with all the hustle and bustle .

Status Management
The entire process of the patient from admission to the end of the operation is controlled by the system, which is capable of displaying the necessary and appropriate information to each person so that they can carry out their work as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Therefore, when the operating theatre changes the patient’s status, the porters are immediately alerted to transfer the patient, and the cleaning team is notified so that they can get the operating theatre ready again.
Our Solution Not Only Provides The Location Of Patients And Their Status But Also Allows Tasks To Be Created Automatically When Their Location Or Status Changes.
Keep Dear Ones Informed
Visual Dashboards Enable Relatives And Loved Ones To Monitor The Workflow Of Surgery And Rest Easy.
They are informed when the surgery has started and when the patient leaves the operating room. The system allows relatives to know in real-time, through information screens and a mobile application, the status of the patients. This avoids interruptions to the professionals, and it is also possible to send them messages to add more information.
Ovitag s is built in with the capacity to supervise the environmental conditions of the operating theatre.

Enhance patient flow
Key Features
Improve operational efficiency
Enable proactive communications
Reduce patient wait times
Give your providers more time with their patients
Increase patient throughput
Don't let bottlenecks in your clinical workflow negatively affect the patient Experience
Improve patient satisfaction

Resources Errors

Optimum Utilisation

Proper Scheduling

Care Coordination

Reduce Cost
