Increased Efficiency Across The
Continuum Of Care
Automated Nurse Call system has become increasingly sophisticated, providing a wide number of automated applications that were done manually earlier. improves response times to critical patient events and ensures optimal patient care.
Assistance & Response
Without reliable, clear communication, it is difficult for a hospital to provide excellent patient care. And the nurse call system is the foundation of hospital communication. When a patient needs assistance, they press a button to call their nurse, illuminating a dome light in the hallway and triggering messages to the nurse’s station and often the nurse’s mobile phone. To answer the call and document her response time, the nurse presses the cancellation button in the patient room, which is often located near the head of the hospital bed. Reaching the button is sometimes like navigating an obstacle course—staff may have to reach over the patient and around medical equipment, bedside trays, flower arrangements and more just to clear the call. And if a patient is in distress, a nurse’s first focus should be on attending to his or her needs, not on pressing a button.
Focus On Care Giving
Nurses are the backbone of patient care. They are the faces of the hospital to the patients, and they administer most of the bedside care. Despite this, nurses are forced to handle a lot of non-care Giving activities like documentation, care coordination, and other non-clinical activities. RTLS-enabled Nurse Call automation enables automatic logging of the nurse’s response. It also includes compliance with the statutory requirements and improves ease of logging and reporting any Deviations.
Ease Of Communication
Our RTLS nurse call System alerts the nearby caregiver when a patient calls on a hand-held device like a coaster or mobile phone, which allows them to reach the patient quickly thereby reducing the turnaround time. We also have a requirement specific NC system where the nurse will get to know for what specific requirement the patient is calling the nurse for. The requirements can be configured based on the facility’s unique needs. This helps the nurse to precisely identify exact patient’s requirement and serve them accordingly so that the nurse can complete the job in a single trip thereby saving time
Lighten The Workload
Our RTLS nurse call System alerts the nearby caregiver when a patient calls on a hand-held device like a coaster or mobile phone, which allows them to reach the patient quickly thereby reducing the turnaround time. We also have a requirement specific NC system where the nurse will get to know for what specific requirement the patient is calling the nurse for. The requirements can be configured based on the facility’s unique needs. This helps the nurse to precisely identify exact patient’s requirement and serve them accordingly so that the nurse can complete the job in a single trip thereby saving time
Impact On Patient Care
When nurses are enabled to focus on the patient first, they feel a greater sense of satisfaction in their work. Furthermore, the patient experiences increased satisfaction as well, because their care receives full attention. Also records response times that are accurate and unbiased. This data can be used for patient satisfaction and safety initiatives. So, while it may seem like the function provided by RTLS Nurse Call Automation is basic, it has a significant impact on improving the experience between the patient and caregiver.
Key Features
Improved patient satisfaction
Reporting and Analytics to improve nurse staff deployment
Improved nursing outcome
Integrated with hospital floor plan
Location aware nurse call routing
Supports organizations with multi campus
Ease of nurse call
Nurse call dashboard and alerts through SMS/Email
Auto documentation of nurse call and action

Saves num of Trips made

Exact Identification

Saves Time & Effort

Timely Intervention

Care Coordination
